That's me!! ^^^
Welcome to Da Homepage!
Anyway welcome to my site whoever u are!! Hope u enjoy ur stay, this is pretty much my favorite thing I've coded except my Kacheek's pet page, but N*opets froze my acct (long story) =B

I'm probably the Biggest 4xSarah Jane Smith fan! Tht's the 4th doctor from Doctor Who (that's a British scifi show if u weren't aware)! She's basically the best companion EVER! they even brought her back in the newest season to meet the 10th doctor! thaa probably tells u how popular she is ^u^.
Anyway I ship her with the 4th Doctor super hard... . He's soo cute (and kinda weird), and she's like.. super cute and sassy ^_^ and he even calls her his best friend in the show, and the Doctor doesn't do that for anybody else, so OBVS the writers shipped it too.
Look how cute they areeeee! They're the CUTEST EVER